Sunday, December 16, 2012

Applied to four residential property management jobs, for some reason I am sure I will get one.  I don't know why I feel this way.  I also often feel sure I will win the lottery, so.  Let us just see if I get a call back.

Thinking I should be doing pre birth exercises, breathing and perhaps some sort of meditation.  Four months to go. I am looking at a DVD here on the table, yoga prenatal.  I should start as my back often hurts now with a small 1.4 pound baby, this will only get worse.

I would like to move before the baby is born to place with a more accessible tub.  The tub here is gross and the door is a mold trap.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Christmas is sad

Christmas is sad alone in SoCal miles from a family I cannot afford to visit.  Christmas will be sadder when I have the baby because then I will wish for a family even more.  With a baby, we won't ever be able to fly home, not to NewEngland, not to Europe to visit Husbands family.
Christmas trees are $40 now.  We have no money to buy ornaments, and no space to store them, and no desire to move ornaments when the rent goes up and we have to move a year or two.
I see that the "Christmas" that I knew as a child was  luxury for the families of the past.  As renters in SoCal on a budget, Christmas is just another day to feel alone.